Ayurveda and Brain Health (Become a Superager, Keep Brain Healthy and Active with Ayurveda)

Ayurveda and Brain Health (Become a Superager, Keep Brain Healthy and Active with Ayurveda)


About the Course

How to Become a “Super-Ager” and Keep the Memory and Attention of an Active 25-Year-Old Through Your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s… and Beyond

Learn the Ayurvedic Secrets for Mental Health and Minimize the Deterioration of Your Brain as You Age...

How Can You Tell if Your Brain Isn’t Working Optimally? 

Do you have any of these symptoms of brain degeneration?

  • Long term memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Depression or anxiety 
  • Brain fog 
  • Loss of short term memory or not being able to recall things as easily
  • Lack of quickness or sharpness 
  • Loss of motivation or drive 
  • Getting tired easily while reading or working 
  • Problems with learning 

While these symptoms have an impact on you now, if they are not addressed, they are likely to continue to worsen and have a significant impact on your work, your relationships, and your personal freedom.  

If you’ve experienced these changes with people in your life, or seen your friends go through these challenges with their parents, you know the adverse effect it can have on them.  If you’re like most people, the last thing you want is for your health to place financial and emotional burdens on your loved ones.  

The Good News Is That the Brain is VERY Adaptable and Fluid… It Can Heal Itself. If you learn how to really care for your brain and feed it the optimal diet and lifestyle, you can begin to quickly experience some positive improvements. 

Just imagine the natural pleasure that comes with being able to do what you want to, with your mind. Whether it’s learning a foreign language, studying the Bible, remembering everyday things, learning a musical instrument, remembering formulas and recipes, terminology, names, faces, birthdays, facts and figures, historical dates…it’s all possible when you give your brain what it needs for optimal health.

In fact, there are people who keep the memory and attention of healthy 25-year-olds well into their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. There’s even a term being used in scientific research for these people. They’re called “Super-Agers”.

Our new course on Achieving Life-Long Brain Health with Ayurvedais specifically designed to help you combine the wisdom of Western medicine, Ayurveda, and holistic integrative medicine to achieve optimal brain health and well-being.

Through this course, you can:

  • Learn all about the MIND Diet,how and why to implement it
  • Prevent changes in the brain that can develop into Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s over time
  • Counteract the brain-damaging effects of our modern processed diet, stressful lifestyle, physical inactivity and environmental toxins
  • Explore the powerful concepts of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine for brain health with an MD who changes lives daily
  • Improve your brain’s performance and ultimatelymaintain lifelong optimal brain function and vitality
  • Avoid the financial and emotional pain and hardship of dementiafor yourself and your family

 Lastly, In Dr. Akil’s words:

"This course will teach you simple but powerful practices and techniques that can profoundly improve your brain function and perhaps even save your brain from further damage.

Are you ready to be a superager?

Begin your journey on this path today!

Get instant digital access to the

entire course (which means you can watch the course online on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet!)

and a free e- text companion

60-day money back guarantee

About the Author

Dr. Akil Palanisamy, M.D.

Dr. Akil Palanisamy, a Harvard-trained physician practicing integrative medicine, combines Ayurveda and Western medicine in his clinical practice with patients in San Francisco. 

After completing his undergraduate degree in biochemistry at Harvard, he performed clinical research at Harvard Medical School where he wrote his senior thesis. This was followed by medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, residency training at Stanford University, and fellowship in integrative medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona. 

But that’s not it - what makes Dr. Akil unique is his in-depth study of the ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda which helps him take a holistic approach with his patients and show exceptional results of recovery and healing. 

He studied Ayurveda in India at the Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam in Coimbatore and completed clinical training with his guru Dr. L. Mahadevan in Derisanamcope, Tamil Nadu at the Sri Sarada Ayurvedic hospital. 

As a Harvard trained MD, Dr. Akil integrates a strong scientific background in biochemistry and Western Medicine with training in Ayurveda and study of ancestral societies around the globe. This unique background enables him to seamlessly blend Ayurvedic principles with the latest research in nutrition, food science, and medicine. Dr. Akil is known to provide definitive, practical health information based on cutting-edge research and clinical experience. 

Course Contents

Module 1: Superagers

  • What are “superagers”? 
  • What brain scan research revealed about the difference between superagers and people of similar age 
  • The overlap between “cognitive” and “emotional” brain regions 
  • The relationship between the size of your cortex and your mental performance 
  • How do you become a superager?

Module 2:  The Ayurvedic Approach

  • The 3 Doshas and Prakruti 
  • The 7 Dhatus (vital tissues that provide nourishment, structure and growth to the human body
  • The Srotas (the channels in the body)
  • Subdoshas 
  • Samprapti: Ayurvedic Pathogenesis- A six-stage model that explains how disease develops
  • Ayurvedic Psychology 
  • Khavaigunya: the defective space where Dementia and Alzheimer’s develop
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Classical Treatments

Module 3: Integrative Medicine Approach to Brain Disorders

  • Rise in Brain Disorders
  • Contributing Factors to Dementia 
  • Chronic Inflammation 
  • Common Drugs that May Increase Risk of Dementia
  • Solutions to Brain Dysfunction
  • The Impact of Technology
  • The MIND Diet 

    Module 4: Ayurvedic Perspective on Diet for Brain Health

    • Ayurvedic Strategies to Strengthen Agni
    • Diet and lifestyle guidelines

    Module 5: Integrative Medicine Strategies for Optimal Brain Function

    • Identify and Treat Depression 
    • Diagnose and Treat Chronic Infections 
    • Test for Food Sensitivities 
    • Balance Blood Sugar 
    • Optimize the Microbiome and Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome 
    • Leaky Gut – Leaky Brain 
    • Gut-Brain Axis 
    • Why Leaky Brain Matters 
    • My Top 5 Brain Foods
    • Optimize Microbiome – Probiotics 
    • Sleep 
    • Exercise 
    • Intermittent Fasting 
    • The Role of Toxins in Brain Disease 
    • Detoxification 
    • Ayurvedic Detoxification 
    • The Effects of Chronic Stress on the Brain 
    • The Effects of Meditation on the Brain 
    • My Top 5 Ayurvedic Supplements for the Brain 
    • Challenge Your Brain
    • Maintain a Positive Attitude 
    • Manage Your Emotions Well 
    • Gratitude and Forgiveness
    • The Lesson of Placebos 
    • Spirituality 

    Module 6: Some Final Thoughts on Age

    • Age is a Mental State
    • As you age, you do not automatically have to lose brain function and develop dementia
    • Age should not be used as an excuse for not feeling well
    • In my practice, I do not accept the excuse “I must be getting old” as an explanation for any symptom
      About the Course

      How to Become a “Super-Ager” and Keep the Memory and Attention of an Active 25-Year-Old Through Your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s… and Beyond

      Learn the Ayurvedic Secrets for Mental Health and Minimize the Deterioration of Your Brain as You Age...

      How Can You Tell if Your Brain Isn’t Working Optimally? 

      Do you have any of these symptoms of brain degeneration?

      • Long term memory loss
      • Difficulty concentrating 
      • Depression or anxiety 
      • Brain fog 
      • Loss of short term memory or not being able to recall things as easily
      • Lack of quickness or sharpness 
      • Loss of motivation or drive 
      • Getting tired easily while reading or working 
      • Problems with learning 

      While these symptoms have an impact on you now, if they are not addressed, they are likely to continue to worsen and have a significant impact on your work, your relationships, and your personal freedom.  

      If you’ve experienced these changes with people in your life, or seen your friends go through these challenges with their parents, you know the adverse effect it can have on them.  If you’re like most people, the last thing you want is for your health to place financial and emotional burdens on your loved ones.  

      The Good News Is That the Brain is VERY Adaptable and Fluid… It Can Heal Itself. If you learn how to really care for your brain and feed it the optimal diet and lifestyle, you can begin to quickly experience some positive improvements. 

      Just imagine the natural pleasure that comes with being able to do what you want to, with your mind. Whether it’s learning a foreign language, studying the Bible, remembering everyday things, learning a musical instrument, remembering formulas and recipes, terminology, names, faces, birthdays, facts and figures, historical dates… it’s all possible when you give your brain what it needs for optimal health.

      In fact, there are people who keep the memory and attention of healthy 25-year-olds well into their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. There’s even a term being used in scientific research for these people. They’re called “Super-Agers”.

      Our new course on Achieving Life-Long Brain Health with Ayurveda is specifically designed to help you combine the wisdom of Western medicine, Ayurveda, and holistic integrative medicine to achieve optimal brain health and well-being.

      Through this course, you can:

      • Learn all about the MIND Diet, how and why to implement it
      • Prevent changes in the brain that can develop into Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s over time
      • Counteract the brain-damaging effects of our modern processed diet, stressful lifestyle, physical inactivity and environmental toxins
      • Explore the powerful concepts of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine for brain health with an MD who changes lives daily
      • Improve your brain’s performance and ultimately maintain lifelong optimal brain function and vitality
      • Avoid the financial and emotional pain and hardship of dementia for yourself and your family

       Lastly, In Dr. Akil’s words:

      "This course will teach you simple but powerful practices and techniques that can profoundly improve your brain function and perhaps even save your brain from further damage.

      Are you ready to be a superager?

      Begin your journey on this path today!

      Get instant digital access to the

      entire course (which means you can watch the course online on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet!)

      and a free e- text companion

      60-day money back guarantee

      About the Author

      Dr. Akil Palanisamy, M.D.

      Dr. Akil Palanisamy, a Harvard-trained physician practicing integrative medicine, combines Ayurveda and Western medicine in his clinical practice with patients in San Francisco. 

      After completing his undergraduate degree in biochemistry at Harvard, he performed clinical research at Harvard Medical School where he wrote his senior thesis. This was followed by medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, residency training at Stanford University, and fellowship in integrative medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona. 

      But that’s not it - what makes Dr. Akil unique is his in-depth study of the ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda which helps him take a holistic approach with his patients and show exceptional results of recovery and healing. 

      He studied Ayurveda in India at the Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam in Coimbatore and completed clinical training with his guru Dr. L. Mahadevan in Derisanamcope, Tamil Nadu at the Sri Sarada Ayurvedic hospital. 

      As a Harvard trained MD, Dr. Akil integrates a strong scientific background in biochemistry and Western Medicine with training in Ayurveda and study of ancestral societies around the globe. This unique background enables him to seamlessly blend Ayurvedic principles with the latest research in nutrition, food science, and medicine. Dr. Akil is known to provide definitive, practical health information based on cutting-edge research and clinical experience. 

      Course Contents

      Module 1: Superagers

      • What are “superagers”? 
      • What brain scan research revealed about the difference between superagers and people of similar age 
      • The overlap between “cognitive” and “emotional” brain regions 
      • The relationship between the size of your cortex and your mental performance 
      • How do you become a superager?

      Module 2:  The Ayurvedic Approach

      • The 3 Doshas and Prakruti 
      • The 7 Dhatus (vital tissues that provide nourishment, structure and growth to the human body
      • The Srotas (the channels in the body)
      • Subdoshas 
      • Samprapti: Ayurvedic Pathogenesis- A six-stage model that explains how disease develops
      • Ayurvedic Psychology 
      • Khavaigunya: the defective space where Dementia and Alzheimer’s develop
      • Dementia and Alzheimer’s
      • Classical Treatments

      Module 3: Integrative Medicine Approach to Brain Disorders

      • Rise in Brain Disorders
      • Contributing Factors to Dementia 
      • Chronic Inflammation 
      • Common Drugs that May Increase Risk of Dementia
      • Solutions to Brain Dysfunction
      • The Impact of Technology
      • The MIND Diet 

        Module 4: Ayurvedic Perspective on Diet for Brain Health

        • Ayurvedic Strategies to Strengthen Agni
        • Diet and lifestyle guidelines

        Module 5: Integrative Medicine Strategies for Optimal Brain Function

        • Identify and Treat Depression 
        • Diagnose and Treat Chronic Infections 
        • Test for Food Sensitivities 
        • Balance Blood Sugar 
        • Optimize the Microbiome and Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome 
        • Leaky Gut – Leaky Brain 
        • Gut-Brain Axis 
        • Why Leaky Brain Matters 
        • My Top 5 Brain Foods
        • Optimize Microbiome – Probiotics 
        • Sleep 
        • Exercise 
        • Intermittent Fasting 
        • The Role of Toxins in Brain Disease 
        • Detoxification 
        • Ayurvedic Detoxification 
        • The Effects of Chronic Stress on the Brain 
        • The Effects of Meditation on the Brain 
        • My Top 5 Ayurvedic Supplements for the Brain 
        • Challenge Your Brain
        • Maintain a Positive Attitude 
        • Manage Your Emotions Well 
        • Gratitude and Forgiveness
        • The Lesson of Placebos 
        • Spirituality 

        Module 6: Some Final Thoughts on Age

        • Age is a Mental State
        • As you age, you do not automatically have to lose brain function and develop dementia
        • Age should not be used as an excuse for not feeling well
        • In my practice, I do not accept the excuse “I must be getting old” as an explanation for any symptom